pain reprocessing therapy

Understanding Pain Reprocessing Therapy: A New Hope for Chronic Pain Sufferers

What is Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT)? Chronic pain is one of the most pervasive health challenges of our time. Affecting millions worldwide, it often persists beyond the initial injury or illness, leaving individuals in a cycle of discomfort, frustration, and uncertainty. Traditional pain management often emphasizes symptom relief—whether through medications, physical therapy, or invasive interventions—but for many, these methods fall short. Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) offers a ground-breaking alternative, focusing on the brain’s role in perpetuating chronic pain.

This article explores PRT in depth, shedding light on its principles, techniques, and transformative potential for those living with chronic pain.

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Healing from Grief: Healthy Goals for Comfort and Recovery

Let’s talk about grief. Grieving is an intensely personal journey that can be approached with dignity and determination. Establishing and pursuing healthy goals brings order during challenging times and promotes healing and advancement. This guide shared courtesy of AgingWellness serves as a ray of hope, offering actionable steps to achieve comfort and fortitude after experiencing loss.


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attachment styles

Why Attachment Styles Matter

Let’s talk about attachment styles. When it comes to what shapes a person in their life, their personality, their way of thinking, and the way that they interact with others, there is often the idea of Nature vs Nurture; namely, that people are born a certain way or learn to be a certain way through their upbringing. It is difficult to deny that our experiences shape who we are and teach us lessons about how to act or think of things.

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chronic pelvic pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is one of the underestimated and underattended problems in modern society. How often did you hear or read about chronic back pain or, let’s say, asthma? These are pretty common issues. I am sure you saw multiple back clinics as you commute through your city and, of course, who did not hear about or know somebody with asthma? These are pretty common! But did you know that the prevalence of chronic pelvic pain is similar to those of back pain and asthma? Did you know that 38 out of 1000 women ages 15-73 suffer from chronic pelvic pain?[1] (more…)

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COVID-19 and Mental Health

Mental Health Care For Front-Line workers and General Public During and After COVID-19

COVID-19 and mental health … What is and will be the impact of COVID-19 on mental health? Since the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic there has been significant concern about the mental health care and well-being of general public as well as frontline workers. Social media and news have been constantly publishing tips and guides for psychological self-care and multiple websites, hotlines, and resources have been opening and offered throughout Canada and Ontario.

The concern is there and we should not dismiss it. It is, in fact, a great social achievement that finally mental health well being has moved to the top of our social and political priorities. However, in order to prevent this from becoming another social/political cliché that everybody heard of, but nobody knows what it actually means (like, for example, mindfulness), maybe we should carefully examine actual evidence and to guide provision of such service based of what we know. (more…)

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psychology of isolation and confinement

Psychology of Isolation and Confinement – From Space to COVID-19

Isn’t this surreal? First couple of weeks it looked like a weird dream, but now, 4 weeks after the lockdown it starts looking as a new albeit strange reality. Most probably, we are in this for a long haul and will need some good coping strategies. If anything, human beings are adaptive and resilient. So, let’s see what can we learn and take with us on this surreal journey. (more…)

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social isolation

Physical Distancing – Not Social Isolation: Lessons from Psychology for COVID-19

Social distancing has been a first call for action after the widespread of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been enforced all over the world as the most important and efficient way to “flatten the curve”. Indeed, it looks like it works and we all might need to continue with a lock-down for some time. However, many psychologists almost instantly reacted on different social media platforms urging not to mix up physical distancing and social distancing. Intuitively, it makes sense. However, let’s take a look what are the dangers of social distancing that so many psychologists intuitively oppose to. What science tells us about social distancing and social isolation, why it is so dangerous, and what can we do about it? (more…)

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